



Realistic/ Semi- realistic


Concept art


Base around Greek culture, a story about Eirene goddess of Dreams has been chosen by her human-hating father to go down to Earth to end human civilisation, her three other siblings get extremely jealous of her being favoured by her father and decide to teach her a cruel lesson by ridding her of her powers.Helpless and severely hurt, an old healer lady decides to aid her, in this time she learns empathy and the many more sides of humans.

Last Light

After nuclear explosion, a native Siberian soldier surviving alone in a cold harsh apocalypse world that's covered with snow everywhere, in search of food and resources for survival, he decided to leave the forest and ventures into the city, but what lays ahead is something more deadly.


A story about Badia, a young mischievous Arab sailor escaping the underworld with the help of Rukha, a clumsy spirit guide.

Paranormal Detective

A personal IP about a young energetic Tibetan detective who likes to investigate paranormal incidents in a big modern city. With the help of her grandma and younger brother, she manages to solves cases by cases and earn her name as the paranormal detective.


A group project about a short animation about a plant, Water Goddess and Sun God.